Thursday, December 29, 2011


The hollow earth network will be broadcasting on BBS Radio starting Mon Jan 2nd 5 pm PST -

about 10 am Tue 3rd our time.


2012 the year of transistion beginning of a new consciousness for our planet.These energies have been coming to our planet for many years now, the year of 2012 they will become stronger and more frequent.

Time will speed up, each time this happens is a TAP or time acceleration point. It is said we will have many more of these in 2012 than ever before.

At each one of these points the frequency vibrates faster. The term" the quickening" has been used for many years to explain this. To help us to do this and have a smoother transistion into this new energy doing relaxation exercises or meditiation will help you adjust to this, you can start for as little a time as 5 min or even 1 min and then add more time as you go, include your children in this as well , for the very young you may want to call it quiet time, this quiet time is not necessarily going to sleep, that can be done at your usual time, one of the easiest ways to start this is to just listen to your breath in and out and slow down your breathing.

Web link for this and any other info on this subject.

Scoll down for info on TAPs for 2012

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